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Help your little one thrive in this big world.
Nurture a growth mindset.

Inspire young children ages 2-5 with

this colorful and fun picture book about

hard work, persistence and problem-solving.

a value of $18.75

Children need a growth mindset.
Ages 0-5 is where it starts.

protect growth mindset in babies and toddlers by learning the parenting do's and dont's

Protect It

Learn the parenting

do's and don'ts

Strengthen growth mindset in babies and toddlers by reading children's books and blog articles.

Strengthen It

Read children's books

and blog articles.

Celebrate growth mindset in babies and toddlers by providing enriching activities, projects and games.

Celebrate It

Provide enriching activities, projects and games

Growth mindset parenting will help your child build resilience and confidence.

Start now. Start here.

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toddler girl with growth mindset learning to take off her shoes.

What is Growth Mindset?

Growth Mindset is an internal belief that continuous efforts will lead to success, and that challenges should be embraced, rather than avoided.

Your baby naturally has a growth mindset. It's one of the ways that humans learn.

Toddler boy buildiong groth mindset while learning to get dressed.

Why is Growth Mindset so Important for Child Development?

A child's mindset will change as they grow. Babies and toddlers who are raised in a "growth mindset" home, that is, being consistently praised for their efforts and curiosity, achieve more success in school and in adult life. This has been proven in multiple studies going back more than 30 years. Building your child's growth mindset will show him that he is able to learn anything new, and he will even enjoy doing "hard" things.

toddler boy building growth mindset while learning to draw
girl with fixed mindset doing school work

However, some children will develop what is called a "fixed mindset," believing they are not capable of learning certain things.  Also, if thinking that success is the only thing that matters, they shy away from challenges to avoid making mistakes. These children only pursue accomplishments where they already feel "talented." As school years progress, they might see each difficulty as a permanent label. 

I can't learn math.

I’m not an athlete.

I’m bad at making friends.

Some will carry these self-limiting

beliefs throughout life.

How can parents promote a Growth Mindset?

Rule #1: Don't say "Good job."

Why not? It's a missed opportunity. Instead, praise your child's efforts. Use these moments to engage deeper and promote self-evaluation.

Such as:

  • Was that easy to do? 

  • It looked like you had a big problem to solve!

  • Do you want to try something harder next time?

  • Oops, that didn't work. What else will you try? 

  • You worked very hard to finish that!

It's important to make this a habit, but reading the above list one time won't do it.  In order for growth mindset language to have an impact it needs to become second nature. With regular practice, children can learn to praise THEMSELVES when they persist through discomfort.  This promotes a positive self-talk about their own capabilities to learn.

toddler with growth mindset hearing growth mindset praise from a parent
Books about growth mindset for babies and toddlers

So, is it ever ok to say "Good job"?

Yes! Kids want to be praised for a job well done and they use this as a measure for how they are  progressing. The goal is to stop over-using it. 

Confused yet?

I am here to help.

I created My Little Growing Mindset to nurture a growth mindset in children ages 0-5. The children's books here are filled with alternative ways to talk with babies, toddlers and preschoolers as they learn and face new challenges. Instead of repeating a single phrase (like Good Job!) the text includes questions and observations, which demonstrates how to have a purposeful interaction. 

This is how it works.

There is power in storytelling. These books help you learn how to praise your child's efforts. Reading the books repeatedly forms a new habit so it becomes natural to always interact this way. Plus, the stories help your child identify feelings of discomfort and see effort as a positive. 


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Toddler boy building growth mindset while helping father with construction project.
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